Thursday, March 6, 2014


I know that this is not the blog that I promised you but I need to vent.
So as you have read I don't talk to my adoptive parents and with most of the family. I have some of them on my facebook because they want to be friends and know what is going on in my life.

Now don't get me wrong I would love to have my parents in my life and let them know what is going on. I have written them two letters of apology and tried calling a few times. I have gotten nothing in return. Which sucks and I try to say it is their lose and everything but it hurts and sucks. All or something I didn't do but they think I did.

Well today my dad is going in for a complicated open heart surgery and no one called or even pmed me to let me know. I found out when my sister posted to her wall.

I just will feel really bad if dad dies still not talking to me. If he does am I even going to be wanted at the funeral? I just hate feeling this way!!

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